Monday, January 31, 2011

Motion For Unanimous Consent

Senate chambers right before the session began. We got officially "introduced" as Americorps on the Senate floor after our tour of the capital building today. The 90 day legislative session in Juneau is underway!
Juneau is pretty casual to say the least, so seeing people in suits walking around town is a bit alarming/confusing. But the hustle and bustle is fun!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Vitamin D

I found a rocky hill to soak up some sun on today during my walk into town! 

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Hopeful Horizon

The sun set after 4pm today! And we went to get frozen yogurt! Summer days are on the way. 

"The Sun Will Come Out...

...TODAY!" Peaking through the clouds ready to do some shining!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Have No Fear, I've Got Gear.

Spikes on the bottom of my boots made my walk-about/mini hike today much more stable! 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Slippery Slope

So "Joy" isn't exactly the first thing that comes to mind when glancing at the image below. After a couple beautifully snowy days, it has gotten so warm that it has begun to rain. This combination results in slush, mush, ice and a gloomy day. So where does the Joy come in? When walking into work today, I slipped on the ice and almost fell...but I didn't!! This was a miracle based on the whole gravity thing and the angle between my body and the ground. I caught myself and didn't even spill any of my coffee (which I got for free because I filled up all the stamps on my punch card). Life is good. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Be Back Soon!

Updates: I am still alive. Life is still beautiful. The temperature has quadrupled. Internet comes very very soon! Woohoo

Friday, January 14, 2011

Just Chillin

So I had begun to believe that this whole "it's really cold in Alaska" thing was a myth...until now. I've been spoiled by Virginia winters these last few years, so this is a bit of a shock to my system! As long as I gear up and move quickly, all is well! Being shockingly cold is kind of rejuvenating and makes you feel alive. Right? Thats what I keep telling myself as I walk across the windy bridge on the way to the gym in the morning. At least the sun is shining!
Disclaimer: I currently have no internet in my new apartment which may result in less frequent posts for a short time, but I'll try my hardest! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Evening Delight

I scored the cozy nook at my favorite coffee shop after work today...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Massive & Mundane

I walk out the door of my new apartment and then "Bam!" The massive wonder of Mount Juneau in my face. Still stops me in my tracks. I think I can get used to this :)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Whispy Days

My new favorite hobby: watching the snow whisp off the mountains. 
Oh, the simple life. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011


I miss family and friends on the east coast a lot but it's good to be back in the Pacific Northwest! I made it through half of a work week after my 23 hour travel day and was rewarded with a beautiful weekend of regrouping, reuniting with friends and relaxing. There is actually more sunshine here this week then at home in NY! Unfortunately, that means no clouds, which means no snow to play in but these were ideal conditions for my stroll down to the harbor and beach today!

Friday, January 7, 2011

What Christmas Means To Me, My Love

I am back in Juneau after 2 weeks on the East Coast soaking up the Joy of the holiday season with wonderful family an friends. Below is a highlight real of the Everyday Joy I experienced during my travels. 
Christmas cookie making!!
Christmas Eve!
My lovely family
Singing! Everyone's favorite 12 days of Christmas plates
ReChristmas #8

Happy New Year!

Naples, Florida Sunset